What We Do

The Verified Report is your premier source for UFO and UAP news. Here you’ll find breaking news, sightings reports, FOIA reports, and interviews and exclusives.

Founded by Stephanie Dwilson, our Editor-in-Chief and an attorney and nationally published journalist, The Verified Report is an independent news outlet with stories you can trust.

Who We Are

Our editors and writers strive to provide honest reporting, relying on their expertise and passion for fair, thorough reporting.


Our Writers


Valerie Anne is a Type 1 diabetic, mother, tree-hugger, self-proclaimed granola who loves a good horror story through literature, video games, and movies. She also streams art over at twitch.tv/8bitval.
Derek is a licensed attorney with a keen interest in avoiding catastrophe. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide quality journalism about UFO and UAP news. We are an independent media organization that strives for accuracy and transparency, along with upholding journalistic ethics. If we get anything wrong, we’ll correct it and issue a correction notice in the article.